28/6/7 -- Canadian aid aims to help Egyptians help Egyptians, Eric Walberg finds out.
Middle East
Anti-globalists reach out to Islamists
- Written by Eric Walberg Эрик Вальберг/ Уолберг إيريك والبرغ
Cooperation between Islamists and the left is growing, reports Eric Walberg
5/4/7 -- What is striking about this latest anti-imperialist in Egypt conference is the growing cooperation both within the Muslim world and between the anti-global left and Muslims. This should come as no surprise, considering the traditional focus of the left on defending victims of torture. Who are the biggest victims of torture in the world today? Of course, Muslims, primarily in Iraq and Palestine, but everywhere in the West, and just about in every country that is predominantly Muslim.
Fathers of men: review Massad's Desiring Arabs
- Written by Eric Walberg Эрик Вальберг/ Уолберг إيريك والبرغ
4/6/9 -- The Western "civilising" project in its many guises has given rise to strange bedfellows. Not only do Christian and Islamic fundamentalists -- officially enemies of each other -- find common cause in demanding more public displays of religiosity and less liberal social policies regarding sex. In fact, as Joseph Massad shows in his new book, Desiring Arabs, both parties -- again, paradoxically, as enemies of the international gay movement -- actually work in tandem with that very movement, aiding in the process of defining people according to the Western paradigm of hetero-homo sexual categories, which, prior to the 19th century, did not even exist.
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