Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts. No!
Well then, don your bicycle helmet. No! Drivers actually pay less attention to you if they see a helmet, figuring they're not likely to kill a smarty-pants, and are less careful around you (2x as likely to pass close). A toque or baseball cap in case of rain is more practical.
The history of our Story
Firing the first shots: Honduras and odious debt
Out of control, permanent crisis, role of government
клин клином or Make love not war
Exercise: rethink the Story, demonetize
What you can do
Cold ugly cynicism or warm beautiful passion
Scarcity <=> private property
Prophets Paine, George, Gesell
Money – corpse of commons
Interest – the poison apple
Rumi: Come out of the circle of time into the circle of love.
I have taken up ping pong as my sole viable remaining sport in my 70s. It really was made for frustrated sedentary has-beens. I played real tennis till tennis elbow set in, but even the thought of lurching, run around asphalt (let alone falling) makes it easy to shift into a scaled-down version. The paddle weighs almost nothing, the ball nothing. You play for an hour without noticing the time. Unless you have bodily aches and pains making anything unpleasant. But even then, if they're not too serious, you don't notice the pain (e.g., sciatica) so much, you don't suffer.
From the start, I told Marty, 'let's not bother scoring. Let's just make every rally the best.'
Quran 20:81 Eat of the good things We have provided for your sustenance, but commit no excess therein.
Fasting is good for you. Very good. Josh Mittledorf, in Cracking the aging code: The new science of growing old and what it means for staying young, 2016, estimates he's added a decade, a good, healthy decade, to his life with his regime, which includes a weekly fast from 10pm Wednesday to 8 am Friday, when he only drinks water. He has figured out other ways to trick his mind into operating in its highest metabolic mode, but the main thing is the fast. Fasting has long been a spiritual exercise to quieten the body's incessant desires for petty satisfactions, real world distractions.
It is of course the no-brainer way to lose weight, but the marvel, paradox, is that for all living creatures, reducing consumption to just above starvation guarantees better health and longer life.
Interview with Opperman Report July 2024 -- Ames and Cold War then and now
Review: Scott Anderson, Four CIA spies at the dawn of the Cold War -- a tragedy in three acts (2021)
Review: Diana Johnstone, Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher (2020)
Review: Richard Falk, Public Intellectual: The Life of a Citizen Pilgrim, Clarity Press (2021)
Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts. No!
Well then, don your bicycle helmet. No! Drivers actually pay less attention to you if they see a helmet, figuring they're not likely to kill a smarty-pants, and are less careful around you (2x as likely to pass close). A toque or baseball cap in case of rain is more practical.
Walberg's bike adventures in and around Toronto (ok, walking around Gaspe too)
Peterborough-Oshawa-Toronto by bike 14 July 2024
Biking the Grand: Reinventing tourism 06 July 2023
Shakespeare by bike 25 June 2022
When will Russia pull the plug on Israel in Syria and Lebanon? Putin learned the hard way with its attempt to talk sense to the US. Will he have to wait to be shafted by the other half of US-Israel?
I'm on at 4:20
Hostages are spoiled goods. Just move on.
Try telling that to the mother of Hersh Goldberg, who lost his arm to a grenade and was miraculous still alive after 11 months. And the story's only beginning in the West Bank. I'm on at 3:45.
Do I hear Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine? Israel?
It took a genocide for Torontonians to commit themselves to the goal of defeating Israel. It turns out Iranian President Akhmedinejad was right after all. 'Israel' must be wiped off the map. It is an ugly cancer that could kill its Earthly host. But it will disappear only by the will of the people, Palestinian, Canadian, Jewish-Christian-Muslim united.
World News with Eric Walberg