It's WWII occupied Europe. Our Vichy government in league with the fascist occupiers. Long live the resistance!
Middle East
Presstv interview: Sinwar's martyrdom galvanizes the ummah
- Written by Eric Walberg Эрик Вальберг/ Уолберг إيريك والبرغ

Presstv interview: Where are the resistance allies? Arabs, Turkey, Russia?
- Written by Eric Walberg Эрик Вальберг/ Уолберг إيريك والبرغ
As usual Shia are on their own. Even defending Sunnis. With Bruno Baklini from Brazil. i'm on at 46:30
Presstv interview: Israel's latest horrors in Syria sure to do the trick
- Written by Eric Walberg Эрик Вальберг/ Уолберг إيريك والبرغ
When will Russia pull the plug on Israel in Syria and Lebanon? Putin learned the hard way with its attempt to talk sense to the US. Will he have to wait to be shafted by the other half of US-Israel?
I'm on at 4:20
Presstv interview: Netanyahu ibn Hannibal
- Written by Eric Walberg Эрик Вальберг/ Уолберг إيريك والبرغ

Hostages are spoiled goods. Just move on.
Try telling that to the mother of Hersh Goldberg, who lost his arm to a grenade and was miraculous still alive after 11 months. And the story's only beginning in the West Bank. I'm on at 3:45.
Presstv interview: UN brutalized but sticks to its 'guns'
- Written by Eric Walberg Эрик Вальберг/ Уолберг إيريك والبرغ
We are all hostages to US-Israel
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