Tehran, Qodsna - Speaking to Qods News Agency, a Canadian writer, senior journalist and political expert Eric Walberg talked about the latest developments in Gaza.


Following is an interview of qodsna reporter with Eric Walberg:


Qodsna: As you now, Hamas and Israel reached a deal for a ceasefire in Gaza. Many experts as well as Israeli experts and officials confess that Hamas has won the Gaza war and prevented Israel from achieving its goals (including destroying Hamas and releasing the hostages) and described the war as a disastrous Israeli failure in Gaza. What is your opinion about this?


Eric Walberg: The slaughter has ceased which is a temporary victory. Netanyahu and his right wing allies vow to continue the 'war', though it is not a regular war but a guerrilla war, where the Israelis cannot engage in regular combat. Hamas fighters live and prepare their homemade weapons in 700 miles of tunnels which Israel has been unable to destroy. It is a new type of highly concentrated urban warfare. Hamas scouts find Israeli soldiers and tanks, lay roadside bombs and shoot from destroyed buildings on the Israelis, using unexploded Israeli bomb parts to make their own and 'return to sender'. Their operations are heroic, precise, inspired by Islam and their commitment to liberate their nation.

The fury of Netanyahu is not enough. Whether the massacre continues all depends on Trump. Will he provide a blank Cheque like Biden? That would allow Israel to continue to bomb from the air but Hamas will survive this. It is up to Israeli soldiers to now resist a pointless, deadly 'war'.


Qodsna: The Zionist regime has committed the most serious atrocities during its 75 years of occupation. Indiscriminate and deliberate attacks against civilians, particularly women and children, targeting journalists, aid workers and other protected persons, civilian infrastructures including hospitals, mosques, churches, schools, refugee camps, residential buildings, ambulances, and places affiliated with the United Nations and other international organizations, are just parts of those atrocities. How do you see the necessity of considering the Legal aspects of Zionist regime’s war on Gaza in International assemblies?


Eric Walberg: Lawyers in Belgium and the Netherlands are prosecuting Israeli soldiers. The Hind Rajab Foundation is a genuine grassroots International Criminal Court. The official ICC is now under extreme threat from Trump who has imposed sanctions on its members and threatens to invade the Hague to 'rescue' any Americans arrested there. So Hind Rajab is doing its real work, using thousands of Tik Tok and other social media postings by Israeli soldiers where they expose themselves doing war crimes as if Israelis are above the law. Already they have submitted evidence against over a thousand Israelis now accused of war crimes. Israeli security forces, Mossad in the lead, are already working to try to discredit or disappear these brave, principled activists.

Many Israelis are dual nationals, so a Spanish Israeli can be nabbed say by Spain or wherever, at least in the EU, as Spanish citizenship makes them sitting ducks outside Israel. The founder of Hind Rajab, Dyab Abou Jahjah, was threatened by an Israel cabinet minister with a 'pager' warning. i.e., assassination. He is under state protection by the Belgian government. The EU is now splitting over Israel, with Spain, Ireland, Belgium and Holland less caught in Israelis clutches, more willing to defy threats by the US and Israel. Israel has had to smuggle out holidaying soldiers from Brazil, Cyprus and Thailand. The Israeli cancer is spreading and the 'doctors' are activists risking their lives to destroy it. Everywhere, activists are targeting craven politicians supporting Israel, putting their political careers in jeopardy. Biden lost the presidential election by the defection of hundreds of thousands disgusted with his blind support for the genocide. Trump must realize this political reality. He courted Muslim votes and they put him over the top.


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Canadian Eric Walberg is known worldwide as a journalist specializing in the Middle East, Central Asia and Russia. A graduate of University of Toronto and Cambridge in economics, he has been writing on East-West relations since the 1980s.

He has lived in both the Soviet Union and Russia, and then Uzbekistan, as a UN adviser, writer, translator and lecturer. Presently a writer for the foremost Cairo newspaper, Al Ahram, he is also a regular contributor to Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Global Research, Al-Jazeerah and Turkish Weekly, and is a commentator on Voice of the Cape radio.

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Eric's latest book The Canada Israel Nexus is available here http://www.claritypress.com/WalbergIV.html